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Here you find our VIP program for gastronomy businesses with which you can earn an additional income.

Short introduction video: 02:55 minutes

Hello, I'm Peter Rübsamen,

born in 1965, grown up in Germany and since 1990 I have been working in sales and marketing for various industries.

After a 1 year bicycle trip around the world from Germany to Australia I founded my first company in 1999. Since 2002 I have advised several franchise concepts in system building and supported them in active sales and marketing.

In 2016 I was awarded as a top consultant by the former German President Christian Wulf as patron of the event in cooperation with Contest Unternehmensberatung GmbH at the German Summit of Medium-Sized Businesses in Essen.

Several hundred presentations with several thousand guests took part in my events.

In recent years, I have published several marketing books and courses, among others for the catering industry.

With this VIP program for the gastronomy I not only provide you with a unique strategy with the highest commission rates, but also products in German and in English, so that you can earn hundreds of Euros or even more extra with every guest who understands German or English.

My goal is to make you even more successful. Let us start together into a successful future. I look forward to a long-term partnership with you.

Attention: This course, respectively this "Gastronomy VIP Program" is not the same as our "Gastronomy Marketing Masterclass". This is about the license to participate in our VIP-marketing program. In the course "Gastronomy Marketing Masterclass" you will receive over 170 lessons with over 20 hours of know-how on how you can not only double but also multiply your turnover in gastronomy.

Extract of my book publications

Here you can find a small selection of my various book publications of the last years.

All books have approx. 400 pages and provide a clear added value for the respective target group.

Become a partner of our VIP program for gastronomy

  • We pay you a 70% commission for the successful recommendation of our flagship courses, which are available in both German and English.
  • Ideal for all gastronomy operators such as cafés, restaurants, discotheques and bars
  • Simply earn money by placing our various advertising media in your restaurant business
  • No purchase commitments of any products
  • Sensational 365 days cookie runtime
  • Anyone with walk-in customers can also be successful with this
  • Only 3 simple steps necessary
  • Large selection of finished advertising templates available
  • Product portfolio to be further expanded in the coming months
  • Depending on the course several hundred dollars per recommendation possible
  • Unlimited income opportunities (no upper limit)
  • They have nothing to do with storage, shipping or invoicing. We take over this completely for you
  • All you have to do is promote our online courses through your personalized affiliate link and receive commissions in your account
  • Simply hang up the appropriate posters and advertising media in the restaurant, in the elevator, at the reception, above the toilets or use other advertising media such as table displays, beer mats, business cards, flyers, postcards, etc.
  • So if you still have space on your account, you should register now
  • Because you have new guests every day, you do not have to do much. Simply refer to our courses clearly visible
  • Also excellent for delivery services or off-site service
  • With just one single recommendation you will have the annual fee already paid
  • You can earn more with each recommendation than with the actual income per guest
  • Even if only one guest per week buys a course from us, this can mean several thousand euros extra per year for you

How can I participate or what do I have to do?


Simply register for the VIP-membership in this program and wait for activation by us. (Normally within 48 hours)


Just follow our instructions and create your own personalized affiliate links. Everything is explained in videos (even for beginners).


Simply advertise our courses in your premises and according to our instructions through your personalized links and promotional materials and receive money in your account. That's all!

Course overview (What you get from me)

  General in advance
Available in / Verfügbar in days / Tage
days / Tage after you enroll / nachdem Sie sich angemeldet haben
  First Section
Available in / Verfügbar in days / Tage
days / Tage after you enroll / nachdem Sie sich angemeldet haben
  The market and the gigantic potential because of the right strategy:
Available in / Verfügbar in days / Tage
days / Tage after you enroll / nachdem Sie sich angemeldet haben
  Step by step explanation
Available in / Verfügbar in days / Tage
days / Tage after you enroll / nachdem Sie sich angemeldet haben
  Marketing strategies of different target groups
Available in / Verfügbar in days / Tage
days / Tage after you enroll / nachdem Sie sich angemeldet haben
  Questions and answers about the affiliate rules:
Available in / Verfügbar in days / Tage
days / Tage after you enroll / nachdem Sie sich angemeldet haben
  Advertising banners and materials in German language to promote German courses for the Internet
Available in / Verfügbar in days / Tage
days / Tage after you enroll / nachdem Sie sich angemeldet haben
  English language banners and materials to promote English courses on the Internet
Available in / Verfügbar in days / Tage
days / Tage after you enroll / nachdem Sie sich angemeldet haben
  Posters and displays for printing and advertising in shop windows, toilets, outdoor exhibitors, etc
Available in / Verfügbar in days / Tage
days / Tage after you enroll / nachdem Sie sich angemeldet haben
  Instagram templates
Available in / Verfügbar in days / Tage
days / Tage after you enroll / nachdem Sie sich angemeldet haben

Certificate of completion after course (Example)

At the end of the course you will receive a certificate of completion, which you can use in future as proof of your qualifications, also for job interviews.

This will set you apart from many other in the gastronomy business who have not taken this course.

Therefore, you can also offer other gastronomy operators a significant added value and possibly charge a few euros or dollars more.

Profit now from our special offer. Select a pricing plan and sign up

Over 100 finished advertising banners

You get access to over 100 different advertising banners for the internet in all common sizes and also for all current concepts.

<< Here on the left you see only a small selection.

In addition, all banners are also available in English and German, so that you can also place advertising in these two languages worldwide.

Further advantages of our VIP program for the gastronomy sector

  1. With 70% commission, we are probably among those with the highest payouts
  2. Cookie runtime 365 days. Many others only offer 30, 90 or 180 days and you will quickly lose some commission there. For all products that a customer buys within 365 days you will be credited the commission
  3. Most other course providers often only offer courses in one language and therefore you are limited to the respective market. Our courses are available in German and English and therefore you can serve a much larger market worldwide (including second language). The German market is also a very interesting and lucrative market. And for this we deliver the ideal products with the highest commissions.
  4. With annual memberships of customers you also receive annual commission payments and thus a passive income

Poster and Flyer templates to print

You will not only be provided with the most common advertising banners for advertising on the Internet pages, as shown above as an example.

No. You also get a larger selection of finished posters as samples for download.

And this for the most diverse concepts and also in German and in English.

All you have to do is exchange your personalised QR code and affiliate link.

You will be shown in the lessons how to do this easily.

No matter if you want to print posters in DINA 4 or DINA2 and use them for toilet or shop window advertising, outdoor displays, etc.

< < < < < < Here you see only a small selection!

So just place advertising posters and if someone orders via your personalized domain or QR code, you will receive the commission.

Of course you are free to create your own designs as well.

Also templates for social media available

Not only the normal advertising banners for the Internet and poster and flyer templates for printing are prepared, but also finished advertising templates in German and English for Instagram & Co. are already prepared for you.

Here you see only a small selection of the templates.

Chance / risk ratio

Due to the high commission rates of 70%, you will have your annual fee (depending on the course price) already after 1 - 2 recommendations.

Because of the many different target groups you can advertise, this should not be a problem even for influencers with few followers, especially since the application can not only be realized via Instagram.

If you don't do it at all, you have risked the amount for an annual membership, which you can also write off for tax purposes. If you follow our recommendations, you will have a good additional income every year.


For whom is this course suitable?

  • The course is suitable for all gastronomy operators. No matter if café, discotheques, bar or restaurant operators.
  • Also suitable for beginners without previous knowledge in online marketing
  • Super suitable for all those who are already involved in online marketing and are looking for high value courses
  • Companies that have a changing German or English speaking audience and have space for advertising space on toilets, in the entrance or smoking area, in the elevator, etc.

What do I get after registration?

You will get immediate access to our course, where I will explain everything step by step. You will also receive a lot of information on how you can win suitable customers for our online courses worldwide through local measures.

In these course lessons you will also get a detailed description of how to get your personalized affiliate link and how you should handle it to generate suitable advertising media with which you can win customers permanently.

When can I start making money with it?

After you have registered, we will usually activate your account for the commissions within 2 working days, so that you can then get started immediately with your personalized affiliate links and earn money.

When does the course start and end?

Once you have signed up, you will have access to the course. Work at your own pace - there is no time limit to finish the course. However, you can usually complete everything within one day. The course itself takes about 4 hours plus various templates. The course is in English.

How long do you have access to the course?

You have access to the course during your complete membership. If you cancel your membership, for whatever reason, at any time, you will also lose access to the course and also to our referral program and will no longer be able to receive commission payments.

Will you get access to the entire course at once?

Yes. All lessons of the course are available after enrollment. Only the affiliate program activation can take up to 48 hours.

What equipment/tools are required to complete the course?

Access to a computer, an email account, internet access and a Paypal account to receive commission payments.

How and when will I receive my commission payments?

Commissions are paid exclusively via PayPal on the first business day of each month, with a one-month delay. For example, all purchases made between March 1st and March 31st will be paid out to you in May.

Why should I pay for this program when some others are offered partially free?

  • First of all, I don't want to have enrollments that want to have everything for free and then never get active. It has been proven that those who have invested something once are much more likely to be active and successful.
  • Furthermore, with most of the others you will usually not receive 70% commission. Many pay only 10 - max. 50 %. And you can already get the annual fee out of it with a single recommendation.
  • This is more than just an affilate program. Here you get complete strategies for several different target groups.
  • Furthermore, most of the other providers usually offer their courses in only one language. With us all in German and also in English and can thus serve a market that is much larger.
  • The membership also keeps my database clean and automatically eliminates various people who are inactive.
  • I only want to work with people who are looking for success themselves.
  • Customers who make more than 10.000 US$ turnover per calendar year will also receive the annual membership for the coming year for free.

Is it allowed to buy your own courses through your own affiliate link and get commission for it?

NO. This is not allowed and we will permanently block anyone from our referral program who disregards this rule.

Tax handling

This is a self-employed activity for which you should register a business. You are responsible for the taxation of the income. However, as a gastronomy operator you have usually already registered a business.

Which advertising measures are permitted for customer acquisition.

Everything that is legally permissible. Everything that is not legally permissible is also prohibited. In case of disregard of advertising guidelines or violations of the law, we will also permanently terminate the VIP partnership. This also applies to any spam advertising that is prohibited.

You are obliged to buy the courses you want to recommend yourself.

No. The purchase of individual courses is your own decision and not dependent on becoming active as a recommender and earning money. Only the membership to this course is a basic requirement to receive commissions in the future.

Are affiliate programs legal and allowed?

YES. This is just a normal referral program where we do not give out a backpack or towel as a thank you, but cash. We also do not have a structure distribution here, as we only pay out up to a direct level.

How is it possible to pay out 70% commissions?

With our online courses we have no physical product here, which does not require any additional production or manufacturing costs and does not need to be physically shipped. It is all automated and delivered by email. Therefore we do not have any storage or other personnel that we have to pay. Apart from various software, transaction and accounting costs, our costs are kept within reasonable limits and can therefore pass these extremely high commission rates on to you.

Can I also participate in this program if I do not run a catering business?

Yes, theoretically anyone can participate in this program who wants to earn money from home or anywhere else in the world. Also as an influencer, blogger, podcaster, etc. you will get everything you need to be successful. Only the type of advertising measures and customer approach will change.

What is the difference to the course / program "Your ready business"?

There is no difference except the commission and the fee for the annual membership. Here you have 70 % commission and with the finished business only 60 % and here the annual membership is about 50 $ higher, which you can get out again by 2 more customers depending on the course. So for customers who have walk-in customers or already have lists for our target groups and want to earn real money, we recommend this course here with the higher commissions.

What is the risk?

If you do not manage to win a single partner for one of our courses, you will have lost an annual amount which you can write off against tax. However, if you follow our recommendations in the course, this normally cannot happen. Already in only one new client you can usually recover the annual fee.

How long is the contract period?

You can cancel the course annually with 30 days' notice to the end of the contract.

Profit now from our special offer. Select a pricing plan and sign up

"Most people fail in life because they look for reasons to let something pass instead of just doing it."

Peter Rübsamen (entrepreneur & author)