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Most people live in the belief that they need a lot of money to travel for a long time or even permanently.
However, this is WRONG!
If you want to travel the world for a longer period of time or maybe even permanently, you only have to get one problem solved.
It is basically nothing different than in normal life.
You just have to earn a little more than you spend every month while travelling.

Whoever has understood this can break away from the classic mainstream and enjoy life in the most beautiful places in the world for a longer period of time or even permanently without having to go to work every day.

Just have a quick look at this video now!

3 minutes 48 seconds

Weltenbummler & Digitale Nomaden Masterclass

Hi, I'm Peter Rübsamen

and I'm glad you found this site.

A quick word about me.

I was born in 1965 in Germany and have been working in sales and marketing since 1990. Since more than 20 years I am self-employed. Already in 1995 I travelled the world by bicycle (at that time without mobile phone and email address) and since then the travell virus hasn't let me go. (At that time without working I came back after one year and had much more money than before). My goal was to give everyone a strategy with which he or she can travel the world permanently.

Globetrotter & Digital Nomads Masterclass
Pyramids / Egypt

Himalaya / Nepal

Globetrotter & Digital Nomads Masterclass Ayers Rpck / Uluru

Australia / Ayers Rock / Uluru

bicycle tours in Nepal in the Himalayas

Various publications about my trips

Even if the headline next door from the journalist is not quite correct, because I did not only cycle through Asia, this is only one example of many where I had reported about my world travels.

Another example can be taken from the course, where I had reported a radio interview with Rainer Meutsch from the radio station RPR1 in the program "Mein Abenteuer" (MY ADVENTURE).

In addition, I have published several books on the subject of marketing and sales for various industries. In 1996, as patron of the event, the former German Federal President Christian Wulff awarded me the title of Top Consultant in the category Management in Germany.

On the picture you can see me on one of my bicycle tours in Nepal in the Himalayas in front of the eight-thousanders in the background.

On other pictures you can see me in Asia, where I also completed my diving education. Guess there are not so many Germans, who picked up their diving license in Singapore by bike;-)

Difference to other courses

Most of the other travel guides were exclusively about how to travel cheaply.

This course here is a complete course that will not only give you the best travel hacks, but also much more.

You'll get access to dozens of business ideas (both online and offline), the best and most unusual travel hacks, how to find sponsors, how to find customers for the right products and services on the road, the right mindset, including exclusive access to a turnkey income plan for globetrotters, and much more.

diving in thailand digital nomad

Everything you need

You do not need any money to start.

All you need are the right strategies to earn a little (or even a lot) more money than you spend every month.

And if you have understood that you can get most of what you really need on the road mostly very cheap, in many cases even for free, you don't have to earn much.

Alone what most people in industrial nations pay every month in health insurance and rent, for this money you can live like a king in many other countries of the world.

Anyone can travel permanently

Even if the headline up here talks about digital nomads, you will find out that you can earn money not only with online business on the road. My conclusion: Over 90% of people will fail in online business in the early stages. Even if it is certainly the best option, the course will give you a lot of ideas on how you can earn money while travelling anywhere in the world without online business. You will also be given a complete turnkey concept.

A short overview what you get

Almost every single tip is already worth the price of the course.

It doesn't matter whether you can save a lot of money on your future travels, or whether you want to have a solid income while travelling.

And you will get not just one, but hundreds of tips to your hand.

Course overview: (Over 20 hours of video content and 86 lessons)

  General in advance
Available in / Verfügbar in days / Tage
days / Tage after you enroll / nachdem Sie sich angemeldet haben
  General Informations about the course
Available in / Verfügbar in days / Tage
days / Tage after you enroll / nachdem Sie sich angemeldet haben
Available in / Verfügbar in days / Tage
days / Tage after you enroll / nachdem Sie sich angemeldet haben
  Before the trip
Available in / Verfügbar in days / Tage
days / Tage after you enroll / nachdem Sie sich angemeldet haben
  The best travelhacks in general
Available in / Verfügbar in days / Tage
days / Tage after you enroll / nachdem Sie sich angemeldet haben
  The best business ideas for globetrotters, digital nomads and longterm travellers
Available in / Verfügbar in days / Tage
days / Tage after you enroll / nachdem Sie sich angemeldet haben
  Aquisition strategies
Available in / Verfügbar in days / Tage
days / Tage after you enroll / nachdem Sie sich angemeldet haben
  Find sponsors for your trip
Available in / Verfügbar in days / Tage
days / Tage after you enroll / nachdem Sie sich angemeldet haben
  The biggest mistakes
Available in / Verfügbar in days / Tage
days / Tage after you enroll / nachdem Sie sich angemeldet haben

What can you expect in this course

  • General things to consider before a longer journey
  • What you have to prepare in order not to get any problems afterwards
  • How to get vaccinations more cheaply
  • Overview of health insurance
  • How to get free cruises
  • The 100 Euro Experiment
  • What do you really need
  • How do you build a business that runs 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, around the clock
  • Information about travellers who have been travelling around the world for years
  • Some started completely without money, others with only 700 Euro and are still on the road after 3 years
  • Many different sources and also strategy how to find not only cheap probes but also free overnight stays
  • How to get from "A to B" for free or even to rent a car and earn money with it
  • What are the biggest mistakes and how you can avoid them
  • How to find sponsors for your trip
  • How to get the necessary share capital together
  • Everything you need mentally to get started
  • Nearly 100 different business ideas how to make money on the go (both online business ideas and how to make money without the Internet).
  • A turnkey business concept which is exclusively offered here and can be implemented by travelers worldwide
  • Many ingenious ideas and strategies how you can save a lot of money while travelling as a globetrotter, traveller and globetrotter
  • How to find the cheapest trips on the net
  • On which days you should book flights if you want to save
  • How to easily find drinking water worldwide
  • Which networks you can use worldwide for your business
  • Dozens of acquisition strategies to reach suitable customers worldwide from on the road
  • Hundreds of valuable links that directly help you get quick access to the most important sources
  • Another advantage: You have worldwide access to the course via the Internet and don't have to carry heavy books on the subject
  • Course is also available in English and can therefore be recommended to other like-minded people worldwide and earn money
  • You learn why it sometimes makes more sense financially to invest a few Euros in a hostel for one night than to stay somewhere else for free
  • With which other concepts and strategies you can earn money with our products worldwide, which also form a certain intersection with travellers
  • and much more.

You won't find a more comprehensive course on globetrotting that gives you a finished business at the same time.

Certificate of participation after course

At the end of the course you will receive a certificate of participation. You can hang it up somewhere as a reminder of this course, but it should also remind you that you can always earn more money than you need every month, even while travelling around the world.

With this knowledge in the background you can manage many things more easily.

My Rickshaw maker from Bangladesh

One of my free cruises

In the Australian outback


For whom is this course suitable?

  • The course is suitable for anyone who is either already travelling or planning a longer break (> 3 months).
  • For people who want to get out completely
  • For people who are looking for new perspectives and are open for new things
  • For all who want to know how to travel cheaply or even free of charge
  • For those who want to know how to make more money each month while traveling than you spend

For whom is this course not suitable?

  • People who already know (or believe to know) everything
  • People who know everything better
  • People who are not open to change
  • People who already have enough money and are not dependent on other sources of income for the rest of their lives
  • People who already have a super well-functioning business, which gives them monthly passive income streams
  • People who feel more comfortable at home in their own four walls and are less interested in travelling

What can you earn with the suggested business ideas?

It's all there. From ideas that will ensure your daily survival to business concepts that have been proven to earn tens of thousands of Euros per month. You alone decide what suits you and which concepts and strategies suit your personality.

Is the course only suitable for low budget travellers?

No. Even if you get a lot of ideas for low-budget travel, it's still up to you which individual business concepts you implement. If you earn several thousand Euros every month, you can also stay in a 5-star hotel every day. You alone decide where and how your trip can end.

When does the course begin and end?

As soon as you have registered, you have lifelong access to the course. Work at your own pace - there is no time limit to finish the course.

How long do you have access to the course?

You have lifetime access to the course. This gives you the advantage of being able to access each lesson again and again, even while travelling, without carrying a bulky and heavy book.

Will you get access to the entire course at once?

Yes, all lessons of the course are available after enrolment.

What equipment/tools will you need to complete the course?

Access to a computer, an email account, internet access and openness to new things!

Why should I pay money for the course when you can google a lot of travel hacks?

That's exactly the problem, you have to search hundreds of different sites to find all the information together. In addition, this is not just about travel hacks, but a complete strategy including almost a hundred different business ideas and turnkey concept. I did the research, interviews and concept development in German and English to provide the participants with a turnkey concept with interruptions over 2 years. If you are of the opinion that it is not worth the money, that is ok. I wish you good luck and hope you have enough time to collect all the same information for the next 2 years. With the presented business concepts you can earn back the purchase price within shortest time!

High snow walls in Norway

My few of my published books

In Abu Dhabi

Take advantage of our special offer this week

Get access to the course now and start living the life that many have always dreamed of.

"It's better to fail than never to have tried to make your dreams come true!"

Peter Rübsamen

This sentence has already caused me to start my first world travels by bicycle in 1995. Maybe it will bring you a little bit further to realize your dreams.