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Learn my own PR method, which has already helped hundreds of other people to become non-smokers without problems.

Why you should buy this course

How you can easily become a non-smoker, even if you do not plan to quit

No additional investments in dubious offers, such as hypnosis, injections, nicotine patches, etc. necessary

Many have already succeeded with this method

Actual practice report from a 17 year old ex-smoker. Not just theory!

Significantly cheaper than almost all other methods on the market and pays for itself after only a few days!

Hello, I'm Peter Ruebsamen

and would like to tell you briefly why I created this course.

In my youth I did a lot of sports. From playing soccer to running marathons in my early 30's. I cycled from Germany to Australia by bike and was always in good shape.

In 2001 I was given a pipe set by friends for my 36th birthday, although I had never smoked before. So the misery took its course. I started smoking and what I never thought myself, I became a hardcore smoker.

Every day up to 20 pipes and on weekends, when I had a beer with friends, I smoked 2 boxes of cigarillos without filter in one day. The whole went on for 17 years. Strictly speaking I did not want to stop.

But then by chance I came across something that made me want to stop. Already on the second day I had an aha-experience and already had the feeling to be "clean".

And the best thing was: It didn't even cost anything. And thank God it has remained that way until today.

That was a year and a half ago. I thought about why it was all so easy and came to very interesting results, which I now want to share with others who want to stop smoking.

Many advantages for you as a non-smoker!

Here are just a few.

You save a lot of money

Whoever smokes a pack every day blows about 2,500 euros net through the lungs every year (depent on the country). In some country it´s even much more. Have you ever considered that you have to earn about +/- 4,000 euros gross for this, depending on the tax rate. Now ask yourself the question how many years you have been smoking and calculate it yourself.

Increase of fitness

As a non-smoker, you will feel much better after just a few days. If I had drunk a few beers earlier on the weekend and smoked 1-2 boxes of cigarillos without filter on the side, I still felt it days later.

Nowadays, as a non-smoker, I can take trees out the next day.

Health improvement

Due to the tools we will introduce you to during the course, you will quickly realize that your health status as a non-smoker will improve significantly.

Be it heart attack, stroke, cancer risk, etc.

Your life expectancy will increase and you will also be able to taste food more clearly again.


When does the course begin and end?

Once you have registered, you will have lifetime access to the course. Work at your own pace - there is no time limit to finish the course.

How long do you have access to the course?

You have lifetime access to the course.

What skills will you learn in this course?

I will explain everything from A-Z. How I started smoking, how I accidentally came across something that made me a non-smoker even though I hadn't planned to. (The whole thing was for free as well). I will show you why you should not invest money in further measures that are otherwise offered on the market to become a non-smoker.

Will you get access to the whole course at once?

Yes. All lessons of the course are available after enrollment.

What equipment/tools will you need to complete the course?

Access to a computer, an email account, internet access and openness to new things!

Is there a guarantee that you will be able to become a non-smoker?

No. I cannot give any guarantee. I can only show you in the course how it has already worked successfully for me and many others. Whether or not it works for you depends on the implementation of the individual tips from the course.

Do I have to invest more money in other courses after the course to become a non-smoker?

No. In fact, I deliberately advise against it!

What language is the course in?

The course is available in German and English. If you order via this page here, you will receive the course in English.

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